Nature's Rhythm Yoga

Nature's Rhythm Yoga Online Course

Attune's you to your higher nature

Join us on our 28 day Nature’s Rhythm Yoga Online Course.

Come and learn the practise that combines the moon’s cycle, the elements of nature and traditional yoga asanas.

Experience the four themed classes that offer a holistic, transformative experience and help to expand your awareness of the natural environment surrounding you. You will learn how to remain centred, calm and balanced in all life scenarios.

28 Day ONLINE Course

Here is an overview of the 4 week course content

Week 1


This week we will be learning the flow called the Shiva Shakti.

Each day there will be a series of postures to compliment the flow and also the Full Moon, energy and principles of movement will come into play.

In this session, we will be working with mainly postures that expand the upper body and chest to enhance deeper breathing, which relates to the Air element and the energy of the Heart chakra (Anahata).

The Full Moon class brings harmony and balance to our system through the connection to our heart.

It will help you to feel held and supported as you balance your energies through Yoga and the Shiva Shakti flow.

Week 2


This week we will be learning how to harness our energy through a sequence called Infin8flow (which has been derived from the Egyptian salutes) This ancient practice helps us to access all the elements and unlocks areas of our brain that are not fully activated.

This weeks content has a more meditative approach, it is slow and we hold poses for a longer length of time to enable us to direct energy around the body with our intention and deeper awareness.

The Third Eye and Crown chakras are responsible for this feat (which develops over time) and these higher energy centres correlate to the master glands (the Pineal and Pituitary) that help distribute energy that we access through higher source (or self) you will feel empowered as you deepen your inner awareness and sensitivity and this developed intuition helps you to shape your body and mind for your calling.

Harnessing your energy means choosing wisely where to place your attention and that is how we become empowered.

Week 3


This is one of the most important classes to practice. It is the beginning of the journey and it is the New Moon class.

Each day we will be practicing postures to ground us into the present moment and prepare us for the Chandra Sequence.

As we learn to yield into the Earth, we recieve the strength, stamina and support that comes from the standing flow called the Chandra Sequence.

Our intentions are set and embodied in this class.
We are working on our Root and Sacral energy centres. This is where we dig deep through our physical strength to excavate any limiting belief we hold in our mind about our body. (our mind gives up before our body does and so we learn through our presence and endurance).

The Chandra Sequence is so useful for those who suffer with Anxiety.

Week 4


This week we will learn a variation of the Sun Salutations.

Each day there will be a series of postures that build on our core strength. The Waxing Moon energies which relate to the Fire element clears obstructions.

This class builds on self esteem and confidence as you learn to apply boundaries and repel anything that is harmful to you. The Navel or Manipura chakra is your power centre that is balanced through the Sun Salutations. The Sun Salutes are used to uplift and tackle depression.

We look forward to you joining us on this empowering 4 week course.


Please note that after securely booking the Nature’s Rhythm Yoga Course, you will receive your login details within 24 hours, including a link to our live session online.

Nature's Rhythm Yoga